
Saas Agency

Daily Revenue

Total Users

Active Subscriptions

Monthly Revenue


Support Tickets

Recent Activity Log

  • John Doe registered

  • Alicia upgraded to Platinum

  • James purchased a new add-on

  • Anna extended her subscription

  • Team XYZ added 3 new members

  • Security settings updated by Michael

  • Emily viewed analytics dashboard

New Users vs. Churn Rate

New Users

Total new users this month.

Churn Rate

Percentage of users who left.


New Features Progress

User Authentication%
Payment Gateway Integration%
Dashboard Analytics%
Mobile App Development%
Cloud Integration%
Customer Support Chatbot%
API Gateway%

Subscription Plans

  • Premium Plan

    All features included. Unlimited access to premium content and priority support.

  • Standard Plan

    Access to basic features and content. Limited support.

  • Basic Plan

    Limited access to features. Ideal for occasional users.

  • Free Plan

    Basic features only. Great for trying out the service.

Subscription Status

  • Active 10%
  • Inactive 10%
  • Trial 10%
  • Canceled 10%
  • Pending 10%
Latest Customer Status Plan/Subscription Revenue City Action
John Doe
Software Engineer
Active Premium $120,000 New York
James Smith
Product Manager
Active Standard $95,000 San Francisco
Mike Johnson
UX Designer
Inactive Basic $85,000 Los Angeles
Alice Johnson
UI/UX Designer
Active Premium $85,000 San Francisco
John Doe
Software Engineer
Active Premium $120,000 New York
Emma Williams
Product Manager
Active Standard $95,000 Chicago
Michael Brown
Data Scientist
Active Premium $110,000 Boston
Sophia Davis
Marketing Specialist
Active Standard $80,000 Los Angeles